Science-Media-Communication - Module Natural and Technical Sciences (NTW)

NWTMaren Riemann

Students of the Science-Media-Communication Bachelor's program are recommended to attend the following courses in the Natural and Technical Sciences (NTW) module with a focus on biology/chemistry/medicine:

Lectures 1st SuSe
Titel Typ Semester Dozent Zeit SWS LVNr.
Lecture (V) SS 2025 Prof. Dr. Ferdinand le Noble
Dr. habil. Dietmar Gradl
2 7002
Vorlesung (V) SS 2020 Prof. Dr. Holger Puchta 2 7087
Lectures in Molecular Biology (Genetics, Microbiology and Molecular Biology)
Title Type Semester Place
Lecture (V) WS 24/25
Lecture (V) WS 24/25
Lecture (V) WS 24/25