FliegerMaren Riemann
Information Events Overseas

General information on all programs is available at the weekly information events of the "International Students Office" IStO.

Information Events Overseas

Study Abroad

  • Baden-Württemberg Program - The primary focus of this program is on the engineering sciences, but the life sciences are becoming increasingly important. It is a bilateral exchange program of the MWFK, between BW universities and currently universities in USA, Canada, Mexico
  • Direct cooperations - bilateral agreements between KIT and various overseas universities.


Further information about the programs and the application process can be found at IStO. Contact person for the overseas programs is Ms. Laura Fischer.


Application deadline: August 31 for the stay starting in the winter semester of the following year.


The selection is made by the IStO. Criteria are Letter of motivation (justification of the selected university, up to 4 may be selected; course selection), TOEFL test, previous academic success.


Funding: no tuition fees, scholarship applications can be submitted parallel to the application, e.g. DAAD, Baden-Württemberg scholarship (see IStO homepage).


ERASMUS is the EU program for the promotion of vocational and general education.

Ersamus Programs