Biology for Students of Food Chemistry

TomMaren Riemann

Bachelor Food Chemistry

Module BA-LMC-3: Biology

Qualification goals: Food chemistry students acquire a brief overview of the most important topics in biology. They understand in theory and practice how plant cells are structured and how they function. They know the characteristics and functional features of plant tissues and the structure of the plant body. They will be able to recognize and classify the most important groups of useful plants. They understand the connection between plant constituents and nutrition and can explain and discuss applied aspects of plant science using examples.

Courses for Students of Food Chemistry
Titel Typ Semester Dozent Zeit SWS LVNr.
Vorlesung (V) WS 19/20 Prof. Dr. Peter Nick 2 7191
Praktikum (P) WS 19/20 Dr. Annette Häser 4 7193
Lecture (V) WS 24/25 Prof. Dr. Peter Nick 1 7190